Rollout of the HM Armed Forces Veteran Card Scheme

Latest news from our team at We R Blighty!

We are excited to inform you about the rollout of the HM Armed Forces Veteran Card scheme, a significant development for UK veterans. This new scheme helps veterans prove their past service in the UK armed forces and make it more accessible to apply for support as a veteran.

If you’re interested in obtaining your card, it’s free to apply, and you can do so at the official Veteran Card website: Apply for an HM Armed Forces Veteran Card.


You are eligible to apply for an HM Armed Forces Veteran Card if you served in the regulars or reserves for the:

  • Royal Navy
  • Army
  • Royal Air Force (RAF)
  • Royal Marines

Certain other groups in the UK armed forces may also be eligible, and you can check your eligibility during the online application or when requesting a postal form by calling the Veterans UK Helpline.

To apply, you’ll require:

  • Your service number for your last period of service
  • Your National Insurance number
  • The approximate years you started and ended your service (it doesn’t have to be exact)
  • A recent digital passport-style photo showing your head and shoulders

How to Apply

To apply online, you’ll need to prove your identity using GOV.UK One Login. You’ll also need an email address and a photo ID, such as a UK passport or driving license.

In case you are unable to apply online or are applying on behalf of someone else, you can request a postal form by contacting the Veterans UK Helpline. Telephone: 0808 1914 218

For comprehensive information and guidance on using the HM Armed Forces Veteran Card as a service leaver, please visit the official page on how to use a Veteran Card.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to possess a tangible acknowledgment of your invaluable service to the nation. Apply for your HM Armed Forces Veteran Card today!


Using the HM Armed Forces Veteran Card as a Service Leaver

The HM Armed Forces Veteran Card serves as a straightforward method to verify your status as a veteran, providing a lasting connection to your service identity. Here, we provide further insight as to how you can utilize your HM Armed Forces Veteran Card.

Benefits of the Veteran Card

Having a Veteran Card allows you to verify your veteran status more efficiently when accessing services tailored explicitly for veterans and their families. Organisations, including charities, often require verification to ensure these services are accessed by eligible parties.

How Can I Use the Veteran Card

Here are few practical uses for the Veteran Card:

  1. Veterans’ Railcard: With your Veteran Card, you can apply for a Veterans’ Railcard, giving you a discount of up to a third off most rail travel in England, Scotland, and Wales.
  2. Defence Discount Service Card: As a cardholder, you can also apply for a Defence Discount Service Card, granting you claims for discounts in over 12,000 restaurants and shops, both in high street locations and online.
  3. Special Events: Your Veteran Card can help you avail specific offers during special events, such as free travel on public transport to and from remembrance events on the weekend of Remembrance Sunday.

Further to these, several services and government initiatives cater to veterans where your Veteran Card can serve as a bridging tool. Some examples include:

  • Employment initiatives: Schemes like Great Place to Work, Going Forward into Employment, Advance into Justice, and Step into Health.
  • National Insurance Relief: If you’re in your first civilian role post-service, your employer may be eligible for National Insurance Relief for up to 12 months.
  • Housing support and guidance: Receive support from entities like the Op FORTITUDE team.
  • Criminal justice agency support: If necessary, organisations such as the Police, Probation Service, and the Prison Service can provide support as part of Op NOVA.

For more detailed guidance, visit the official page here.


We’re aiming to raise £20,000 to finance the refurbishment of 3 boats which will become new homes for homeless veterans.