Let's Make a Difference Together: Get Involved

At We R Blighty, we’re dedicated to supporting veterans facing homelessness or financial hardship after their time in the armed forces. Besides providing aid for those struggling with PTSD and other service-induced mental health issues, we offer a wide range of services to make a difference.

Our initiatives include employment assistance, work experience opportunities, counselling, and educational programs. Further, our fundraising events and campaigns unite people who share our passion for making a meaningful difference in the lives of veterans.

Volunteering with We R Blighty opens up many avenues for you to make an impact. You can be involved in collections, join our crisis teams, or even participate in street fundraising efforts. These activities are critical for reaching veterans in need or those without access to social media, thereby ensuring we provide our services to everyone who requires them.

Moreover, we organise several events throughout the year to generate funds to support our programs. However, these initiatives would be impossible without the help of caring individuals like you.

If you’re ready to contribute your time and make a positive impact, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Every effort counts, and together we can transform the lives of those who have dedicated theirs to serving us.

Become a Volunteer


We’re aiming to raise £20,000 to finance the refurbishment of 3 boats which will become new homes for homeless veterans.