
Stories of Impact and Gratitude

A heartening collection of gratitude and feedback from the veterans and organisations whom ‘We R Blighty’ has had the privilege of assisting.

Their inspiring stories serve as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of the support that our Community Interest Company (C.I.C.) provides. These testimonials also provide a reflective narrative of the tangible impact we have managed to make within the Armed Forces community.

As you read through these sincere expressions of appreciation, we hope it reaffirms your faith in our mission and encourages further involvement. Every shared story encapsulates a journey – of courage, of struggle, and ultimately, of overcoming adversity.

We are incredibly grateful to all the veterans who have shared their past experiences and their stories of transformation. Their kind words motivate us to persevere in our mission to help those who have served so bravely.

Veteran Testiomials

“My name is Ronnie Barker, I'm an ex-army veteran who served 11 years but unfortunately recently I've hit hard times I'm diagnosed with complex PTSD was informed by universal credit that there is an organisation called We R Blighty. I had never heard of them before, but once I contacted them omg, I've never known such a proactive company Ben Mills got straight on my case. He has bent over backwards to help me both financially to get me into decent lodgings, and willing to help any veteran. I can't say enough of how amazing he is, so any veterans out there reading this I urge you all to get in contact with Ben and the organisation.”
Ronnie Barker
Royal Engineers
“I found We R Blighty online when I was in desperate need of housing. I was completely down on my luck so was suicidal. A guy Called Ben that very night gave me money for food and paid for permanent accommodation the very next morning. I can’t thank this organisation enough.”
David Cutter
The Grenadier Guards
“We R Blighty have proved to be a breath of fresh air. I had spent the last 6 months trying to get some help for my homelessness, but all seemed unwilling or unable to help. Then Ben Mills came along and offered real help and advice. Thanks a lot Ben, greatly appreciated.”
John Munday
Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
“Ben was put in touch with me through Kent County Council. I’m currently living in the Royal British Legion village. He was kind enough to fund and sort out a crisis payment on the very same day, he does not mess around if you need help, he will sort you out 10/10 what a star.”
Nathen Gadney
“I was put in touch with We R Blighty. They helped with the funds to house me and my family after being served a section 21. All I can say is outstanding service that really cares.”
The Royal Logistic Corps
“I am a veteran, and I was really struggling for food and other basic essentials, it had been a few days, so I was very worried. I called most of the big-name charities, but they couldn’t help at short notice. But when I called ‘We R Blighty’, they helped immediately. As soon as they did their relevant checks which only took a few minutes, they went above and beyond what I was expecting and helped that same day. Amazing work by a group of people who clearly care about veterans, and I cannot recommend We R Blighty enough, they really did an amazing job."
The Irish Guards
“I saw We R Blighty outside Wilkos in Ramsgate fundraising, so I approached them and asked if they could help as I had been homeless living in the park for over 2 weeks. Within 2 mins the guy who I now know as Louis called Ben and within 10 mins I was booked into a hotel. I have had a roof over my head for the last 2 weeks and been promised this will continue until I have a permanent address. I can’t thank this organisation enough. After 10 years’ service and multiple tours the big charities were not helping no matter how much I called. Thank you, Ben, and thank you We R Blighty!”
Sam Farrow
The Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment
“Ben, Jolene, and the organisation We R Blighty is just incredible, not only for what they have done for me but all the other veterans too. They have done so much more for me in a short time than any other veteran organisation has. Thank you.”
Royal Marine Commando
“I served 11 years in the Royal Navy. Three Gulf deployments and one to the Falklands via West Africa and lots of trials, training, and multinational exercises in between. Leaving the service hasn’t been easy and at times I have struggled adjusting to life outside. No longer having a of people around you has been the biggest factor of those struggles. Just before Christmas I reached a place of absolute rock bottom. My mental health was at an all-time low, a felt alone and couldn’t visualise making it much longer. I reached out to We Are Blighty via their website contact form. Within ten minutes Ben had replied. Soon after we spoke on the phone and the guys sent me a crisis grant to help me get through the immediate days. This help gave me the motivation to start looking at sorting myself out. I got myself booked onto some training courses I needed to get back to sea as a civvie. We are Blighty helped me with costs for travel and work clothes once I had completed these. 6 months on from my initial contact with the guys at We Are Blighty, and my life is well and truly back on track. I am now about to start a long-term stable career back at sea and my mental health has improved significantly. If I hadn’t reached out that morning, I honestly have no idea where I would be today. I owe them a massive amount of gratitude. They have helped me turn my life around at a point where I didn’t think it was possible. Thank You! This is me in South Georgia in 2014 when onboard HMS Iron Duke."
Royal Navy
“We R Blighty has helped me considerably, they answered the phone and helped when other charities were just sending me on a wild goose. They’ve helped me get off the streets and paid to keep me in an air BnB for at least a month whilst constantly making an effort to keep me housed and finding me permanent house in an area I wanted, in a completely different city to where I was. They also funded my first’s month rent etc… We R Blighty is a great organisation who helped greatly.”
“The team at We R Blighty have helped me out with accommodation for which I’m eternally grateful, I am currently still in temporary accommodation funded by them.”
Royal Navy 23 Years, Chief Petty Officer, Weapons engineer, Referred by Shelter. Charity No.263710 (England and Wales), SC002327 (Scotland).
“Hi, my name is Paul Stedman, I’m a veteran of the British army who served from 1997 to 2002. Unfortunately, I become homeless for the last two years up until February this year where luckily and thankfully I come across this organisation called We R Blighty. The fundraiser I met in London from the moment I met and explained that I was a homeless veteran and that I was sleeping in the doorway just around the corner, the fundraiser then got on the phone to Ben Mills who is the founder of We R Blighty, who told the fundraiser to take me for a hot meal, which he did. After the Hot meal, we come back and during that time Ben had arranged a hotel for me to be put in. I was in the hotel for a week after that, thankfully and luckily and more of a praise the lord situation, Ben found and placed me on one of the We R Blighty boats in sandwich, Kent. I cannot thank Ben enough for what he has done for me as he has literally given me a new lease of life as I was on the verge of taking my own life. I've taken many overdoses over the years and due to my PTSD and I could see no other choices. We R Blighty have provided me with a place to live, Ben also bought me a few new sets of cloths, pots and pans for the boat and made sure that I've been fed and watered, even though I'm still waiting on my benefits to be sorted. He is still there making sure that I do not go without I cannot thank We R Blighty enough and I mean that from the bottom of my heart, they are more helpful than any of the other big charities out there. I can't even explain in words what I'm trying to say but We R Blighty and Ben mills you are one in a million and without him I really don’t have a clue where I would be. I get constant phone calls and visits from Ben and Danielle. This is a new start for me and I’m going to grab it with both hands. Thank you We R Blighty."
British Army
“We r blighty are an exceptionally professional organisation who have helped me through difficult times and continue to do so. I am a veteran that found myself living in my car through losing my job and home through no fault of my own. I approached the local council who were unable to help but I was given the names of a couple of different organisations and we r blighty stuck in my memory (fortunately) so I got on their website and filled in my details not really expecting to hear anything back but to my surprise I received a call from Mr Mills the founder and he asked about my situation, I explained I was living in my car etc and he immediately said not anymore my friend I will put you in a hotel asap. True to his word he rang me back 5 minutes later and said we have booked you in a local hotel and the proprietor was expecting me so off I went thinking this must be a wind up as I didn't even know Mr Mills apart from a short telephone conversation and knocked on the hotel door and it was true I was booked in all was legitimate so needless to say no one was happier than me to get a nice hot shower and a clean bed . Mr Mills after 2 weeks got myself and another veteran into a rented house and all the housing benefit, council tax, bills etc were all sorted for us by his brilliant staff. This organisation is there for veterans and support us all the way and personally I cannot thank them enough and I speak for all the veterans they have helped in the past and are currently supporting to this day and every day. WE R BLIGHTY..... I salute you."
“We R Blighty have turned my life around in every aspect. When I was going through hell, my baby's mum committed suicide!!! I was left homeless and lucky for me one day I spotted We R Blighty fundraising in my local town. I went up to speak to the person, explained my situation and in 5 mins I was in a hotel. The organization paid for me to stay in hotels for about 4 mouths till they found me permanent accommodation. I am now living on a houseboat which the organization paid for and I'm now in full time work as a paid professional fundraiser working for, We R Blighty. If I didn't bump into We R Blighty, I don't know where I would be. Actions speak louder than words. The organization has also helped me with my mental health with their occupation therapist and the aftercare I’ve had is second to none. I can't thank them enough for the time, and opportunities they have given me.”
“I've suffered with my mental health for some time now and a couple of my relationship broke down. I ended up in a downward spiral. I was arrested and charged with driving disqualified, lost my home and job all in 24 hours! I was released back into my hometown in the south of England with not a penny to my name! Nobody would help me. I contacted the local housing authorities, larger veterans’ charities all of which failed me drastically! SSAFA recommended I get in touch with Ben Mills and co at We R Blighty... Within literally minutes I was put into a hotel, safe, warm and able to breathe. Actions speak volumes with these guys. The above and beyond attitude and care is like nothing l've ever experienced nor expected! Currently I still have a roof over my head which is allowing me to rebuild my life step by step! There isn't a rating on how professionally and understandingly driven these guys truly are! They are inspirational to the highest of honour! I'm excited to see where my life will end up with the help from We R Blighty and that's something l've not felt for years! I Dread to even think where l'd be if these guys didn't exist! I'm still battling with my local council day by day to even get into something more secure! This shows the true importance of We R Blighty as l'd still be on the streets without them! Thank you We R Blighty.”
Neil Macpherson
Royal Logistics Corps
“Received help in dec 2023 after becoming homeless over Xmas We R Blighty saved my life and enabled me to buy food and clothing. It was embarrassing at the age of 39 to ask for help but couldn’t have moved forward without their help!! Greatest gratitude to all the team.”
“I’m Lee I served with the Stafford’s from 2001/2008 I was lucky to find we are Blighty online. They were amazing I was laid off from work and waiting for benefits to start whilst searching for further work Ben kindly was in touch within an hour I had no food no gas no electricity. And no sign of help within 2 hours they helped me with all of this with a direct bank transfer. This organisation is amazing, since then they have helped again with another crisis grant and help cover my insurance payment so I’m able to get to work every day. Thanks for all your help.”
“My name is Justin Wilson I served for my country for 4 years. I was married for eighteen years in a relationship for twenty-two years. I have 5 beautiful kids. Then my relationship comes to an end due to my PTSD and depression. So, I found myself homeless for a little while until I got in touch with We R Blighty. They bent over backwards to help me and put me up in a hotel. I am so grateful for what they have done for me so far. Because no one who's going through mental health problems should be on the streets.”
“I am Sam walker and recently I was in need of help. I'm an ex-army veteran so I contacted We R Blighty online and asked for support. The first thing I had was a crisis grant to go and buy some food at the supermarket of £100 pounds, then the next bit of support I got was help with my first lot of rent. If it wasn't for We R Blighty I wouldn't be able to move on and be in new accommodation so I'm now safe and I'm also settled. Many thanks to the team!!!”
Samantha Walker

We also help support other likeminded organisations and charities when funding is not available.

“Funding a hotel for him whilst we work with him to find a permanent solution is really useful and means that he no longer has to sleep in his car and has a bed to sleep in and a roof over his head (a brick one anyway) whilst we work towards finding a home. Thank you so much for this offer and help, it means so much to us!”
Change, Grow, Live Charity No. 1079327
"We R Blighty have recently extended their support to funding hotel accommodation for veterans who are rough sleeping in Brighton, while our charity continues supporting them to work towards their longer-term accommodation goals. Unfortunately, due to the housing situation in Brighton, it can take a long time to find suitable accommodation for our clients. One of our clients had been rough sleeping for two months, whilst waiting for a room in over 55s accommodation to become available. After providing his regiment number to We R Blighty, they agreed to pay for him to move into a hotel, so he had a roof over his head whilst waiting for somewhere longer-term to live. So far, he has been in the hotel for 8 weeks and he is incredibly grateful not to be waiting on the streets until he is offered longer-term accommodation. We R Blighty have offered this support to all veterans who are currently rough sleeping in Brighton."
Katie Gelbart
Reconnections Team Leader, Brighton Street Outreach Service
“A very worthy cause we've got one of their lads staying with us right now. After helping another charity out over Christmas and now we-r-blighty, all I can say is that Ben has answered every single phone call and paid every single Invoice. The lad is polite and respectful and has been a pleasure to have stay with us. Keep up the fantastic work Ben and his dedicated team.”
Colin Ellison
Cedar Top Contractors Accommodation
"I run a Veterans outreach project on the south coast called Crimsham Veterans' Hub & Charlie Charlie 1 drop in. A Veteran from my regiment was highlighted to me as being homeless after a relationship breakdown. As soon as I spoke with Ben from We r Blighty, there was no hesitation in getting him into a hotel until sustainable accommodation could be sorted. They paid for 1 week’s hotel in the area chosen by the Veteran and he is now in his own accommodation. I would have no hesitation in recommending Ben and his team in the future. Amazing work guys, well done.”
Matthew Cole
Veterans Affairs Director, Crimsham Farm CIC Armed Forces Champion
“I am just writing to say thank you for your generous donation from We R Blighty for £1000.00 toward scuba kit for the veteran’s scuba therapy group. This has been very helpful with providing dedicated equipment for the veterans to use, helping to reduce our need to borrow equipment from our local scuba club, who have been great in supporting us. Your contribution will help us to continue to go from strength to strength, helping those who have served their country and community and who now find themselves in need. I would also like to Thank you for the work you have done in the Eastbourne area as well as across the Southeast in housing homeless veterans. Sometimes at very short notice. This really is vital work. As you know going through the council and housing association channels can take time. Something those veterans living on the streets do not always have, particularly over this last winter period. I am pleased we were also able to assist you in verifying the service for a number of veterans in need before you joined ASDIC in your own right. I look forward to continuing working together to support the veteran community."
The Blue Van Veterans Drop In Centre
“I write this testimony on behalf of Ben Mills and his company which supports veterans in need. I have on many of occasions, pointed veterans in Ben’s direction, to which he has never turned them away or failed to find the right support for them. He was also able to offer financial support for a pilgrimage of Veterans to be able to visit the war graves and memorials in Belgium. I have found him always to be trustworthy, honest, and diligent. His knowledge of veteran’s affairs sets a standard that most can only aspire to. I would recommend Ben and his organisation “We R Blighty” to any veteran that needed help.”
Richard TG Morgan QVRM VR
Hub Manager/RBL Secretary, Ramsgate
“In October 23 I advertised my furnished house for rent for 6 months and was contacted by Ben. He wanted to rent it for X veterans in need of accommodation. I was a bit apprehensive at first, but Ben was so polite and friendly and explained everything that he and his charity are doing to help veterans who just need a bit of help and support. 6 months on I can honestly say I am so glad I let the guys use my house. The rent was paid every month on time and the guys have kept the house so clean and tidy. Three great guys have lived there, and I hope that this has helped them in their journey to a better life in some small way. I highly recommend Ben and his charity We R Blighty.” I have found him always to be trustworthy, honest, and diligent. His knowledge of veteran’s affairs sets a standard that most can only aspire to. I would recommend Ben and his organisation “We R Blighty” to any veteran that needed help."
Angela Cressey
“We R Blighty are founded on the principles of an exceptional team of people who do all they can to make sure Veterans have a safe space, food to eat and opportunities once they are back on Civvy Street. Ben, the founder of We R Blighty, is a veteran and the team who work with him all equally place their heart and soul into helping Veterans regardless of background or other personal situations. The NHS organisation I work for works directly with We R Blighty and have seen the work they do and spoke to the Veterans they support. We are so proud to work with this organisation. If you are a Veteran and need help, speak to We R Blighty. They will support you and help you in more ways than you can imagine. I can’t speak highly enough of this organisation. They are just fantastic."
Natalie Farley
“The Tower house has been working with We-R-Blighty since early February to accommodate veterans who are homeless. We have had one gentleman with us for a while now and can stay for as long as he needs. We are proud to be working with a great organisation who massively help the veterans in need of help and support when they need it the most. From all of us at The Tower House 1066. Thank you!!!”
The Tower House 1066

We’re aiming to raise £20,000 to finance the refurbishment of 3 boats which will become new homes for homeless veterans.