Task Force for Veterans

We R Blighty believes in proactively reaching out to those veterans who, due to a lack of resources or communication channels, may find it hard to access the support they need. That’s where the ‘Task Force for Veterans’ comes in – a team committed to ensuring that no veteran remains unseen or unheard.

Our Task Force volunteers embark on missions to search parks, streets, and local communities for homeless veterans, ensuring help reaches those who find it hard to reach out. They serve as critical links between our organisation and our heroes in need.

Becoming a member of the Task Force means:

Connecting with veterans in public spaces, building trust and offering help
Advocating our initiatives to the public, making them aware of how they can contribute
Actively participating in face-to-face fundraising activities, vital resources for our services

Discovering and serving veterans in need who might not have easy access to social media or other communication methods forms the core of this initiative. However, none of this would be possible without the involvement of generous and passionate volunteers like you.

We invite you to join us in our mission. Help us illuminate the paths of those who once fought for us, ensuring they don’t walk their challenges alone.

Join the Task Force


We’re aiming to raise £20,000 to finance the refurbishment of 3 boats which will become new homes for homeless veterans.