Job Opportunities

At We R Blighty, we deeply value the skills, resilience, commitment, and work ethic inherent to those who have served in the Armed Forces. We’re conscious that transitions, injuries, or changes can influence an individual’s career journey, and we’re here to lend a supportive hand along the way.

Our ‘Job Opportunities’ initiative is dedicated to providing meaningful employment opportunities to serving and ex-serving veterans (including those wounded, injured or sick), reservists, cadet instructors and military spouses/partners. We recognise your untapped potential and offer roles where you can prosper, regardless of your past experiences or possible constraints.

Current Vacancies:

1. Professional Fundraiser – Full and Part Time

As a Professional Fundraiser, you will play a crucial role in securing funds that keep our initiatives running. You’ll have the chance to collaborate with an energetic team, connect with the community, and play a tangible part in supporting veterans.

2. South Region Veteran Support Officer – Part Time

As a Veteran Support Officer in the South Region, you will be the touchpoint for veterans in need. You’ll provide them with the right information and resources and play a valuable part in their journey towards a more secure future.

Our job opportunities are not just about making a living; they’re about making a difference. We invite you to bring your unique skills and experiences to our team and contribute in ways that positively impact the veteran community.

Remember, your journey doesn’t end when service does. Let us connect you with opportunities that match your skills and enable you to contribute meaningfully in your post-service life.

Apply for a Position


We’re aiming to raise £20,000 to finance the refurbishment of 3 boats which will become new homes for homeless veterans.