Homeless Support for Veterans

At We R Blighty, we firmly believe that every veteran deserves a safe refuge – a dignified place to call home. Transitioning from military to civilian life can sometimes result in homelessness, a circumstance no veteran should have to grapple with.

Our ‘Homeless Support for Veterans’ initiative aims to provide immediate relief and long-term solutions for homeless veterans, ensuring they have the resources to reclaim their independence.

Immediate Relief:
We’re here to assist with:
Temporary shelter and emergency accommodation
Access to food, clothing, and essential items
Medical and mental health support

Long-term Support:
These steps are part of our plan to provide veterans with a path to self-sufficient living:
Assistance in securing long-term housing solutions
Vocational training and assisted job placement
Support and guidance towards accessing public assisted living programs

Our dedicated team of support workers are committed to collaborating with each individually, understanding their personal circumstances, and crafting a tailored plan to help them transition towards stable housing and regain their autonomy.

Providing more than just temporary relief, our goal is to empower veterans, equipping them with skills, opportunities, and the support they need for a fulfilling and independent life beyond homelessness.

Each hero’s journey is important to us. Let us join you in taking the first step towards a safe, secure future.

Request Homeless Support


We’re aiming to raise £20,000 to finance the refurbishment of 3 boats which will become new homes for homeless veterans.