Financial Help for Veterans

At We R Blighty, we understand the financial struggles veterans may face upon leaving the armed forces. Adjusting to civilian life can be challenging, and often, financial difficulties can add to the stress. Our mission is to ensure no veteran has to face such struggles alone.

Our ‘Financial Help for Veterans’ initiative is designed to provide immediate assistance and long-term solutions to veterans facing financial hardship.

Immediate Assistance:
We can contribute to essential financial needs such as:
Aid for groceries and other everyday essentials
Utility bill assistance
Temporary housing support

Long-term Financial Solutions:
We also provide sustainable financial support pathways including:
Job placement and vocational training programs
Financial planning and debt reduction counselling
Educational courses to improve skills and employability

We believe that with the right resources and support, every veteran can achieve financial stability and independence. Our team is committed to working with each individual, understanding their unique circumstances, and curating a personalised plan to assist in their journey towards financial wellbeing.

Our assistance is designed to be a springboard, providing veterans with the tools and support they need to achieve their financial goals. Every veteran’s journey matters to us. Let us help you take the next step towards financial freedom.

Request Financial Support


We’re aiming to raise £20,000 to finance the refurbishment of 3 boats which will become new homes for homeless veterans.