The Truth

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We R Blighty Forces Charity Scam Accusations

In the face of misrepresentations and accusations from the Walter Mitty Hunters Club HQ, Ben Mills, Head of Operations for We R Blighty, pens this open letter. Herein he addresses allegations, clarifies his personal journey – from his exit from active military service, through personal challenges and venture attempts, to his establishment of ‘We R Blighty’. The narrative unfolds to illuminate the vision and ambition behind his current work, serving the UK’s armed forces community.

Open Letter

My name is Ben Mills, serving as the Head of Operations for We R Blighty. Given the onslaught of accusations and misinformation from the Walter Mitty Hunters Club HQ, I felt obligated to clarify certain aspects of my life and negate their unsupported allegations regarding scams and career scammers.

In 2006, I was medically discharged from the forces; a life I missed due to the sense of purpose it had infused within me. I am certain the veterans reading this can understand my sentiments. Consequently, I reapplied in 2010, this time favouring the Royal Marines. After overcoming my injury, I successfully cleared the pre-fitness tests and written aptitude exams. This marked a notable achievement due to my previously failed endeavour relating to the navy in 2001, primarily due to my weaker English skills (I appreciate the Walter Mitty club pointing out my grammatical challenges). Unfortunately, to join the services, your outgoings must be less than your incomings would be on a military wage, therefore I was recommended to declare bankruptcy in 2012, with assistance from the British Legion. Bankruptcy legally lasts one year, and after this time I was discharged and able to continue with my application process; however, the lapse of my aptitude test certification and the denial of the third write-in resulted in the closure of this chapter.

Following the end of another chapter, marked by my father’s passing, I suffered another financial setback and declared bankruptcy again. Alongside the immense grief from losing the most influential figure in my life, the dissolution of my marriage and the birth of my child added to my miseries. The poignant admission of defeat was not business-related but primarily due to personal reasons.

Emerging from bankruptcy, invigorated with the birth of my son, I recommenced my pursuit of making a meaningful difference within the armed forces community. With considerable fundraising experience, I established ‘Target Fundraising’ to raise funds for the Veterans Foundation. The Veterans Foundation, a crucial pillar in the armed forces community, provides grants to over 300 military organisations and offers direct aid to the armed forces. I succeeded in making the fundraising process economically efficient for them, a strategic move that has since raised millions for the entire armed forces community. ‘Target Fundraising’ continues to operate to this day, actively promoting the Veterans Foundation. Despite all this, I was riddled with personal issues from my father’s death and difficulties in managing paternity.

During this challenging time, I had also launched a fitness enterprise, ‘Beach Body’, and ‘Give a Step’, an app designed to convert steps into donations. Unfortunately, my deteriorating mental health and the constraints of the lockdown inhibited my ability to manage these businesses, compelling me to transfer the ownership to two trusted friends.

Despite starting a new relationship with my partner, who is also an experienced fundraiser and a care professional, handling my previous relationship and newfound paternity proved testing. Thus, I relocated to Wales for a year, seeking solitude and clarity which enlightened my hearing impairment, leading to being registered as deaf in one ear and requiring a hearing aid.

Upon returning to Kent, in dire need of housing assistance, I reached out to one of the largest military charities, only to be told they could provide financial aid but no plausible solution for housing or rental references. Faced with the real-world challenges of many homeless veterans, I resolved to combat this issue by establishing ‘We R Blighty’, with the very essence of the name being to embody ‘home’. The company was born out of a necessity to provide veterans with a comfortable bed and hot shower every day.

To generate funds for ‘We R Blighty’, I founded ‘Blighty on Tour’ while working for a leading military charity (of which I resigned in March 2023), that allowed me to volunteer for this venture. Unfortunately, due to regulatory restrictions, I was compelled to forfeit ‘Blighty on Tour’ and channel my focus exclusively on ‘We R Blighty’.

Established in September 2022 as a Community Interest Company (CIC), ‘We R Blighty’ was designed to allow swift assistance to veterans, a major advantage over traditional charities due to their bureaucratic delays. However, as a CIC, I had to relinquish control in February due to my poor credit ratings to my partner and mother, whom I trust implicitly.

I harbor no resentment towards the Walter Mitty Hunters Club HQ page community, but I am well aware that their misinformation and agenda-driven principle does more harm than good. My objective is simple: to provide immediate help to veterans and build a legacy of support and care for future generations, particularly my four sons.

During this ordeal, I failed to dedicate enough time for my youngest son, born two days after the Walter Mitty club revealed my past. To dispel their false narrative, I will soon disclose We R Blighty’s first-year accounts and a corroborating video testimony. Besides clarifying my actions, it will also serve to expose the duplicitous nature of the Walter Mitty’s administrators.

I apologise for the lengthy exposition, but unfortunately, the club has already spun a dark, distorted narrative of my life. To quote Aeschylus, “The words of truth are simple.”, implying that a more suiting tagline might be in order.

With sincerest regards,

Ben Mills

Ben Mills with his parents on the day he returned from Iraq. His mother is now a Director of We R Blilghty.

In The Press

Ben Mills 18, of Margate, Kent, the youngest member of Three Regiment Army Air Corps, part of the 16th Air Assault Brigade based at Watttisham Airfield, Suffolk reads his documents as troops prepare to leave for the Gulf. * Soldiers heading for the Gulf as part of the military build-up in the region were today making final preparations before their departure. More than 100 troops from Three Regiment, Army Air Corps, based at Wattisham Airfield, Suffolk, are due to fly to Kuwait tomorrow. The troops provide ground support and fly Lynx and Gazelle helicopters.


We’re aiming to raise £20,000 to finance the refurbishment of 3 boats which will become new homes for homeless veterans.